Eating well has never been so important to us but having the time to plan and prepare meals is a massive hurdle that many of us face.
Let us introduce you to the The Power Kitchen Meal Prep Challenge; where Power Kitchen highlights the struggles of meal prepping and staying consistent with healthy eating at home.
We not only underline the importance of meal prepping, we provide you with the time saving alternative to meal prepping at home and ordering takeout. We have challenged #teampowerkitchen members, capturing their journey all on camera. Our first participant must meal prep at home, starting first by buying groceries. There are two rules to this challenge, they must buy and prepare 5 different proteins for the week and must know all macros for their meals.
They have been challenged so that you don’t have to! Read on to find out who took on the challenge and to see how successful they were.
We wanted to challenge someone with average culinary skills, who has great intentions to meal prep and eat well and whose lifestyle includes plenty of fitness.
Chris Lewarne @thecuddlycanadian accepted the challenge and became the perfect participant, honestly sharing his struggles. As one of the founding trainers and a Chief Instructor at Barry’s Bootcamp Toronto, Chris leads a very active lifestyle. Chris is a fitness professional who depends on eating the right food to fuel his day and keep him energized when instructing Barry’s Bootcamp classes.
Chris lets us in on a secret, he doesn’t have the patience or the impulse to cook and can’t find a budget friendly alternative. So, where to start? He reluctantly makes his way to the grocery store and the challenge commences. Considering the two rules for this challenge, Chris scans the aisles for a variety of protein, checking the price and the macros. A painfully time consuming task, Chris moves on to carbs and veggies. Realization hits, it isn’t simply about buying the raw ingredients. How will he make the food taste good enough to enjoy for the whole week!? To consistently stick to your meal plan, flavour and variety are required. Chris now understands the complexity of marinades and the prep time needed for carbs and veggies.
Lets not forget about the second rule, macros.
Where are Chris’s macros? Hidden on the packaging of each protein and carb he has chosen. Macros for veg will have to be looked up online, and Chris will have to calculate the macros for his desired portion size. Last but not least, Chris must add everything up to calculate the macros for one complete meal. Oh, don’t forget all marinades and seasonings, for FIVE meals.
If macros are important to you, you have to do it right. Say goodbye to your Sundays as you work as a chef and mathematician for the day. If only there was someone out there to deliver your meals labelled with macros……
Frustration takes over and Chris gives up, challenge over, challenge failed.
What can Chris do now? He needs to meal prep and he needs wholesome balanced meals. Chris also needs variety and to enjoy his meals with accurate macros provided. To get this, Chris has no other alternative than to use a meal delivery service like Power Kitchen.
Tension eases for Chris as he escapes the grocery store, relaxing at his computer to order Power Kitchen meals. We can all learn from Chris and his reasons on why to order meal prep delivery online.
Power Kitchen is Toronto’s best rated meal prep and provides continuous variety with a weekly rotating menu, top class customer service, fresh meals delivered straight to your door, an extensive delivery area, meal boxes curated with specific goals in mind, macro and portion controlled meals, custom meals, biodegradable and oven friendly packaging, and a whole lot of love and care.
Do you want to follow in Chris’ footsteps? Skip the hassle, save time and spend energy on what matters most to you. Join #teampowerkitchen and order from one of our meal boxes today: https://www.powerkitchen.ca/meal-boxes/