That sleeping well is important for maintaining physical and mental well-being, you probably already know. During moments of rest, our body develops regenerative functions, capable of restoring the tissues of our body, assisting in muscle growth, and even providing protein synthesis. But did you know that there is a hormone called melatonin responsible for regulating our circadian cycle, directly impacting sleep quality? We explain!
What is Melatonin?
Melatonin is a neurohormone produced in the pineal gland, which is located in the human brain. Although it is naturally formulated in the body, this molecule can also be found in supplements, acting as a regulator of body functions, especially with regard to sleep, and developing antioxidant actions.
For its activation, it is necessary that there are no luminous stimuli in the environment, causing its manufacture to be carried out only at night. Over the years, as we age, the production of the substance can undergo some changes. This is precisely why, in general, adults and the elderly have more difficulty resting and face sleep-related disorders more often.
Important details about melatonin and its production
Daily, following the end of the day, melatonin begins to be released by our body in order to prepare it for the natural processes that happen in our body at night. It is from the amino acid tryptophan, transported to brain “deposits” and later converted into serotonin, that this molecule is synthesized.
The pineal gland (the place where the hormone in question is produced), was defended by philosopher René Descartes as the “abode of the soul”. It is found right in the center of our brain and is still considered one of the most potent and important chakras in the body by Hindus. From there, you can already imagine the benefits, physical and mental, involved in these processes!
How to improve sleep hormone production?
Now that you know what melatonin is and how it works in the body, how about following some simple tips to further improve your production of the famous sleep hormone?
Will sleep? Turn off all the lights
If you usually sleep with the light on, we recommend that you review this habit. This is because, in addition to impairing and interrupting the flow of sleep, the incidence of artificial light can damage insulin resistance levels, raise cortisol levels and even boost weight gain.
By avoiding this stimulus, the body is able to relax more deeply, providing an increase in melatonin levels and, consequently, a restful night's rest.
Practice physical exercises
The practice of physical exercises regularly provides the release of neurotransmitters capable of reducing the symptoms of stress, irritation, and anxiety. In addition, keeping the body active makes the body able to more easily regulate the circadian cycle, consequently improving the production of melatonin.
Eat with quality
Food and the proper functioning of the organism are two subjects that are closely related. A balanced diet can improve sleep quality and vice versa. For the production of melatonin to occur, the body must have a store of tryptophan. Therefore, eating foods rich in this amino acid can greatly assist in the production of the sleep hormone. Check out some options:
- Cheeses;
- Eggs;
- Cashew nut;
- Peanut;
- Banana;
- Potato;
- Cauliflower and etc.
Add Power Kitchen meals to your daily diet. We use fresh, local and in season produce for the best quality ingredients in our meals.
How about starting today to practice these actions?