Practicing physical activity is essential for health, and this is nothing new. In fact, this care also needs to be accompanied by healthy eating habits. At this point, there are foods to gain muscle mass that cannot be missing from your meals.
Therefore, ingredients with a good dose of protein are very important for this mass gain. But, it also needs to include carbohydrates for energy and some types of fats. In other words, it is not enough just to exercise: you need to have a diet that provides the nutrients that will help you gain muscle and strengthen your body from the inside out.
Below is a list of different foods that can help you gain muscle mass:
Known ingredient when it comes to protein, as the egg contains high-quality protein, healthy fats and other important nutrients – such as selenium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and the B vitamins, for example.
Eggs provide large amounts of the amino acid leucine, which is particularly important for muscle gain. B vitamins are responsible for several processes in the body, including energy production.
Chicken breast
It's no wonder that chicken is almost always among the foods that help you gain muscle mass. After all, it provides a great proportion of protein, as a 100-gram serving of food has 32 grams of high-quality protein. This is precisely the nutrient responsible for the reconstruction of muscle tissue. That is, it is an interesting food in the diet of those who want to “gain muscle mass”.
Among the plant sources of protein, various types of beans stand out when it comes to vegetarian food and muscle mass gain. Cooked black beans, for example, contain about 15 grams of protein per cup (about 172 grams). In addition, it also provides fiber and B-complex vitamins.
Lean meats
Lean beef, such as filet mignon, for example, contains high-quality proteins, B vitamins, minerals, and creatine. Therefore, consuming this type of meat can help increase muscle mass, especially in those who practice training such as weight training.
Milk, cheese and yogurt
Known sources of protein, milk and its derivatives are also interesting for muscle mass gain. Dairy is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium – important minerals to stimulate muscle contraction and aid in training performance.
Cheeses, in turn, also provide these nutrients. The important thing, in this case, is to pay attention to the fat level of the chosen cheese. Finally, yogurts are good post-workout options.
Half a cup of soya day can also favor muscle mass gain, especially for vegetarians. It is a food with a good source of protein, several vitamins, and minerals. In addition, soy is an excellent source of vitamin K, iron, and phosphorus.
It is not without reason that peanut butter is so successful on the menus of bodybuilders. After all, this oilseed contains a mixture of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
If you're struggling to get enough calories to increase your muscle gain, consuming peanuts can be a great strategy to get some extra calories and nutrients. After all, this food contains high caloric density.
Fish are also good allies in a diet to gain muscle mass. Salmon, for example, in addition to proteins, is rich in omega 3 – a good fat with an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps in muscle recovery. Tuna also provides these nutrients and is super convenient to add to post-workout snacks.
And if the subject is good fat, avocado cannot be left out. Because it is a source of potassium, it is indicated for muscle recovery, and is rich in folic acid, helping in the formation of this tissue. Quite caloric, it also helps those who are in the process of hypercaloric to gain muscle mass and can be added to lunch salad or pre-or post-workout vitamins, super versatile.
Bananas are an excellent pre-workout food. After all, before training, you need the fast energy of carbohydrates. In addition to the necessary calories, it provides potassium, a mineral that participates in muscle contraction. Not to mention that it helps prevent cramps.
We close the list with this fruit which is a source of potassium, magnesium, and calcium, minerals directly involved in muscle contraction. It also provides vitamins A, B1 and C, which are good antioxidants.
Now that you know which foods are essential for gaining muscle mass, how about including them in your diet? And it is worth remembering that this is possible only by combining physical activity with a balanced eating routine. Therefore, always seek the guidance of a nutritionist and physical education professional.
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