On Sale

Low Carb Meal Box - Ground Turkey #1 - Turkey Picadillo

Turkey Picadillo with Mashed Butternut Squash and Garlic Snow Peas

Turkey Picadillo with Mashed Butternut Squash and Garlic Snow Peas

Squash - Butternut, Garlic - Minced, Chicken Broth - Liquid Concentrate, Herb - Thyme - Fresh, Milk - Coconut, Oil - Olive, Onion - Yellow, Peas - Snowpeas, Pepper - Sweet, Red - Raw, Oil - Grape Seed, Salt - Coarse - Kosher, Spice - Cumin - Ground, Spice - Pepper - Black - Ground, Tomato Paste, Ground Turkey, Worcestershire Sauce

Sale price

Regular price $17.18
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