Have you ever considered trying CrossFit, but been put off by some of the things you’ve heard? Maybe you’ve been told that it’s too intense, or that you need to be in excellent shape before you start. Or maybe you’re just not sure what it is, exactly.
CrossFit can seem daunting at first, but once you understand what it is and how it works, you may find yourself eager to give it a try. To help clear up any misconceptions, we’ve debunked five popular myths about CrossFit. Keep reading to learn the truth about this fitness phenomenon.
1. In CrossFit, the risk of injury is higher
You've probably heard or read somewhere that CrossFit causes more injuries than other sports, haven't you? However, this is a myth, since the risk of getting injured during a class is the same as in any modality, especially when practiced without professional guidance. It may happen that you get injured in some exercise, but the risk is not inevitable as many say out there.
One of the possible causes of injuries in the pits is when the student exceeds his limits. Despite this being a sport that encourages its own barriers and limitations to be broken, the evolution in classes needs to be progressive. If you arrive wanting to lift 50 kilos and then double the amount next week, it is obvious that this will pose a risk to your joints.
It is worth mentioning that CrossFit is a great ally in the treatment of injuries since when accompanied by a suitable professional, joint or strengthening exercises act in the recovery of weakened areas.
2. The sport is aimed at high-performance athletes
This is a very common statement among myths about CrossFit, as many people believe that to start CrossFit you need to be in the great physical condition and be considered “fit”.
However, the truth is that we are talking about a totally adaptable sport, which is based on exercises that resemble the natural movements of the human body, such as squatting, stretching your hands, or lifting weights. For this reason, participants of different levels of physical conditioning — from children, young people, and people with special needs to the elderly — can practice, provided that they are guided and that the exercises are at the appropriate intensity.
In addition, in a CrossFit class, it is common to have athletes with different training levels, and it is up to the teacher to clarify that everyone should do the exercise according to their ability, and with daily effort and training it is possible to evolve.
3. Crossfit is like military training
We can say that this myth is created by the media in general when sharing images that portray CrossFit only in exercises involving tires, ropes, or boxes. Although these exercises are applied in the pits, at opportune moments, the planning of classes in this modality encompasses several aspects.
There are classes that are more focused on strength training, and others that focus on improving the cardiorespiratory system, in addition to these moments with the use of equipment that can resemble military training.
4. Crossfit is extremely competitive
Crossfit has several moments of competition, in which there are individual or team disputes, both inside the box and in events that become national. However, to say that it is a sport solely aimed at the competition is a myth.
It's just the opposite: although championships stimulate competitiveness to some extent, what you see most in a CrossFit class is cooperation and, above all, respect. In the day-to-day life of the training centers, it is also possible to perceive a friendly and collaborative environment, in which the common objective is for each one to overcome their own limitations.
5. Women who adhere to this activity become muscular
Muscle gain involves several factors ranging from intense training to genetic factors and a balanced diet. So, if a woman practices CrossFit moderately, she can lose weight, lose fat and gain lean mass, but she will not become muscular or “big”, since the objective of the sport is not hypertrophy.
Professional athletes of this modality have a muscular body due to the high level of preparation, balanced diet, and a long period of training. In this sense, unless the practitioner combines the practice with bodybuilding exercises, the body will have a moderate mass gain, giving an athletic appearance that is not necessarily muscular. Likewise, there will hardly be intense weight loss without a diet aligned with the goals.
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