On Sale
GLP1 Meal Box - Fish #2 - Sesame Salmon Burger
Sesame Salmon Burger with Garlic Oregano Cherry Tomatoes and Red Chilli Rice Noodles
Sesame Salmon Burger with Garlic Oregano Cherry Tomatoes and Red Chilli Rice Noodles
Salmon Fillet, Herb - Oregano - Dried, Seed - Sesame , Garlic - Minced, Cornstarch, Lime Juice, Monk Fruit Sugar, Oil - Sesame, Onion - Green, Onion - Red, Onion - Yellow, Oil - Grape Seed, Rice Noodles, Salt - Coarse - Kosher, Soy Sauce, Spice - Pepper - Black - Ground, Water, Cherry Tomatoes, Vinegar - Rice, Oat Flour